When Do Girls Typically Begin Wearing Makeup? Unveiling the Average Age

Makeup has been a part of human culture for thousands of years, with its use evolving over time. Today, it is often seen as a rite of passage for young girls, marking the transition from childhood to adolescence. However, the age at which girls typically begin wearing makeup varies greatly, influenced by a variety of factors such as cultural norms, parental views, peer pressure, and media influence. This article aims to unveil the average age at which girls start wearing makeup and explore the factors that influence this decision.

Average Age of Makeup Use

According to a study conducted by the research firm Mintel, the average age at which girls start wearing makeup has been steadily decreasing. In the 1990s, the average age was 14. Today, it is estimated that girls start experimenting with makeup as early as 11 or 12 years old. However, this does not mean that all girls this age are wearing makeup regularly. Many start by playing with makeup at home before gradually starting to wear it in public as they get older.

Factors Influencing the Age of Makeup Use

Cultural Norms

Different cultures have different views on makeup use. In some cultures, it is considered inappropriate for young girls to wear makeup, while in others, it is seen as a normal part of growing up. These cultural norms can greatly influence when a girl starts wearing makeup.

Parental Views

Parents play a significant role in determining when their daughters start wearing makeup. Some parents may encourage their daughters to start wearing makeup at a young age, while others may prefer to wait until their daughters are older. Parental views on makeup use are often influenced by their own experiences and beliefs about beauty and self-expression.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can also influence when girls start wearing makeup. If a girl’s friends are wearing makeup, she may feel pressured to do the same. This can lead to girls starting to wear makeup at a younger age than they might otherwise.

Media Influence

The media plays a significant role in shaping girls’ views on makeup. From beauty influencers on social media to celebrities on the red carpet, girls are constantly exposed to images of women wearing makeup. This can lead to a desire to emulate these looks and start wearing makeup at a younger age.


While the average age at which girls start wearing makeup is decreasing, it is important to remember that every girl is different. Some may feel ready to start wearing makeup at a young age, while others may prefer to wait. The most important thing is that girls feel comfortable and confident in their decision, and that they are using makeup as a form of self-expression, rather than feeling pressured to conform to societal expectations.